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Spiritual Formation

During the season of Epiphany, we have two spiritual formation series.

Epiphany Book Study on Zoom

In this season where we look for the growing light, our companion will be Barbara Brown Taylor’s beautiful book Learning to Walk in the Dark. We meet for discussion Monday evenings on Zoom from 6-7 pm.

Saints on Sundays

One of the things we profess in our creeds (and Baptismal Covenant) is that we believe in “the communion of saints.” For more information on saints in our Episcopal tradition, click here

During this season after the Epiphany (which ends March 2) we will have a Sunday morning coffee hour series exploring the lives and legacies of some of the saints. Please join us to explore the richness of this tradition.

January 12 – Aelred of Rievaulx (led by Pastor Kristine and Howard Burnham)
January 19 – Martin Luther King, Jr.
February 2 - Florence Li Tim-Oi and Harriett Bedell
March 2 - H.T. Burleigh

Activities during the Year

Advent series Advent discussions on a theme selected for the season.

Book Discussions Recent books discussed include: Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul by John Philip Newell, The Book of Forgiving by Bishop Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu.

Discussions on the Gospel A discussion series focuses on the gospel from which scriptures are selected in given year

Inquirer's classes are offered periodically to share about Episcopal traditions, history, sacraments and liturgy. Ask Pastor Kristine if interested.

Lenten Series We offer a book study or other discussion series during Lent.

Lunchtime Lectio is offered every Wednesday at noon.

Season of Creation - creation-focused liturgy and spiritual formation opportunities during the month of September each year.

Spiritual Writing Group Spiritual writing could be defined as writing that engages the spiritual aspects of ourselves, others, and the universe. The group was formed to encourage each other and hear each other’s stories. Contact Karin Forno for more information.