Highlights from August 11th Celebration
On Sunday, August 11th, the parish had a special coffee hour to welcome Pastor Kristine back from her sabbatical. Special thanks to all who contributed to the occasion!
Annette Foisie shared a beautiful prayer (see below).
The Celtoids entertained us with joyful Celtic music.
Ellen Jahn curated a slide show to share the summer activities of parishioners.
The Vestry and other parishioners contributed food for the expanded coffee hour.
The Men’s group and Coffee Hour team helped the Vestry set up and clean up.
Pastor Kristine shared some highlights from her pilgrimage with her husband Melvin on the
St. Olav’s Trail in Sweden and Norway, and she will share a slide show after church on an upcoming Sunday. Watch the weekly email for more info.
Prayer for Kristine’s Homecoming Reception
We love You, Lord, and we praise Your Holy Name.
Accept, O Lord, our gratitude for all the blessings of our shared life at St. Mary’s.
We thank You, Lord, for the dedication of our Rector Kristine, and for her leadership role here among us.
Today we applaud her courage in taking on, and in completing, a very vigorous pilgrimage, and we celebrate and rejoice in her safe return, refreshed and renewed, to continue guiding us.
Now we go forward in Jesus’s Name, with new vigor and purpose in our ministries of love and service to the Lord, and to neighbor and stranger alike.
Precious Lord Jesus, we ask that You grant us the gift of time to study Your Word, to live in Your truth, and to share Your grace with those around us.
In Jesus’s Holy Name we pray. Amen.
Annette Foisie OSL (Order of St. Luke)